
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Gif Loop

I Redboxed this on PS4 early on Friday and played it a lot since then, finishing the campaign in 2 sessions. I have usually enjoyed the COD campaigns as simple, stupid, and bombastic in a mindless shooting gallery way. I really knew pretty much nothing about this game going into it and played it entirely single player. I played without the Day 1 3GB patch.

Presentation --- Good
-The narrative for this game is ... totally not what people are probably expecting and really, really threw me for a loop. Im almost shocked to say that there are moments in BO3 that are downright artistic. I'm going to go into more detail here later and in spoilers but I left pretty wowed/flabbergasted.
-The game still looks good pretty good and theyve done a good job of bleeding the rock that is this ancient engine.
-Pretty colorful
-Some inspired art direction in places
-Pretty rock solid 60fps
-Sound is fine
-The music is quite good in many places and often dynamic with the action, though is often hard to hear.
-Most faces and models look good
-Totally seamless realtime cutscene transitions. As such, cutscenes accurately reflect player equipment and appearance.

Presentation --- Bad
-While the narrative is sometimes laudable the writing is pretty awful.
-The story doesnt really pick up until very late in the game and the vast majority of the game isnt concerned with the main narrative.
-Engine is showing its age. Particles, background, lighting, and flames are rough, lack of volumetric smoke is a bummer.
-The "star" of the game Christopher Meloni's model is surprisingly low caliber
-Quite a bit of ripping off from many sci-fi things.
-VA kind of sucks, especially from the main guy.

Gameplay and Design --- Good
-The new abilities are a blast. They are divided into 3 disciplines and each discipline has 6 powers. These powers are infinite use on a recharge timer. They also have smart controls in that they are activated by using L1+R1 at the same time so the player never has to stop aiming or moving. Some of these are pretty creative and they really change up the gameplay.
-Missions now have customizeable loadouts just like the multiplayer. As such you can play the game tailored to your style.
-You can actually carry 3 weapons at a time now in certain instances. This is also how custom loadouts dont effect the story since if the player needs a certain weapon, the game assigns it to the 3 slot which is strictly for special weapons.
-Not a single QTE
-Theres actually a visible health meter in the game, though that doesnt really change the pacing of combat much from previous games.
-Less throwaway set pieces than past games with a bigger focus on the core combat.
-Robots, drones, and various tanks and mechs add some nice spice to the gameplay. In particular the robots shake up the proceeding a good bit with their deadly melee, ability to be blown apart piece by piece, and the way the tend to constantly move forward at a slow pace.
-Traversal is much better with the ability to mantle, the option to double jump, and wall run. As such, stages are often much more open and with more vertical options. Theres also minor branching paths
-Some optional stealth sections that are enjoyable.
-Occasionally, the game actually doesnt have a waypoint marker, which is shocking for this series.
-Very responsive controls.
-Lots of customization features. Between the weapons, the abilities, grenades, and tac rigs (which are mostly passive abilities like wall running). Its pretty impressive. Its also noteworthy that upon high enough level the player can have ever single ability (18) available at all times, instead of playing within one skill tree.

I suppose you could never explain to the most ingenious mollusk that such a creature as a whale existed-Emerson

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Gif Loop


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