
How to Tell if Your Rabbit Is Pregnant or Not

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(Have questions? Perhaps your question was already asked, and answered, below. If not, Karen has answered hundreds of your questions in her book: Rabbit Raising Problem Solver, covering every aspect of pet rabbit and livestock rabbit care as well as rabbit health and disease. We recommend it!)

Click below to see additional posts that other visitors have made to this page...

2 *Girl* Rabbits, one litter?
Hi, We have 2 bonded rabbits that we were told were girls living together. A couple of days ago, went to give them some food and water and discovered a …

Rabbit Death after Conjunctivitis
How can you tell if a rabbit has conjunctivitis and how can you treat it with home remedies? A couple weeks ago I had a baby rabbit die while I was …

2 Girl Rabbits... But now One is a Boy (Surprise)
So I got two Netherland Dwarfs from a pet store. They told me they were sisters but recently the bigger girl (Ana) began mounting and humping the smaller …

Even Demons Need to Breed
I have a doe, Patsy, that is very "difficult" this is why her nickname is the DEMON. She refuses my buck, bites him, growls at him, hates me, which makes …

Unsure if 3 month old Rex doe is pregnant
I got a new female Rex rabbit from a pet store. The pet store kept their rabbits male and female together. The rabbits are all 3 months old. Is it possible …

Can my bunny possibly be pregnant?
My four year old "accidental" lop/dwarf mix was with my friend's bunny last night. The bunny is a six week old male. They exhibited mating behavior, but …

Pregnant rabbit who already has 4 week old babies
I bought 2 rabbits and was assured they were female, 4 weeks ago I opened the cage to find a litter of babies, after seeking advice we moved the mum and …

All kits died
I was given 2 Holland lops at 3 months old last June. We thought they were boys. Two days ago I open the top of the cage to find a mound of hair and under …

Not-so-tame maybe pregnant bunny
I have a French Lop doe that is about 9 months old. She was put in with the French Lop buck about 9 days ago. If I were to palpate her, what way should …

Nest Box
My doe bunny one day was going crazy putting together a nest in her cage. We were worried because we hadn't put a nesting box in yet, so we put one in. …

Unexpected Pregnancy
My rabbit Lucy was bred with my other guy rabbit. It was her second litter and she had 7 adorable little bunnies. After those bunnies were grown and gone …

It's the morning of day 34, and still no babies
She's a female lionhead, so she's pretty fluffy. And that makes it extremely hard to tell if she's pregnant or not. As I said, it's the 34th day, and …

Can my doe get pregnant through her cage?
Had 2 x rabbits was told both female. One day we saw them mating, took them to the vets and our suspicions were confirmed we had male and female. We separated …

Odd Doe
Hello, I've got two dutch rabbits. They were originally bought for breeding, and were old enough to breed. We waited & waited, never saw them breed, never …

My female rabbit has disappeared down a burrow
We have two female rabbits. Three days ago one of the rabbits dug a burrow and although she initially came up for food and company she now hasn't been …

Anti Social Bunny
I'm worried about my bunny... She is about just under a year old, and in January she lost her mate (the only other rabbit she has successfully bonded with) …

Can a mommy bunny feed two litters at once?
We also thought we had two females, but after 10 months we found 8 babies in the hutch! They are all perfect and beautiful! Mommy is taking such good …

Doe is ignoring babies and wants out of cage
My rabbit has had 5 baby rabbits, she does not seen to want anything to do with them. she bangs on the cage till we let her out and wants attention all …

Oh boy I adopted two bunnies
A Buck and a doe - the owner said they are too young to know what to do that I don't have to worry about them breeding. Well I put them in the same cage …

Too many false pregnancies
I have been several cases of false pregnancies, the rabbits mate and several times over, in about the middle of the time for kindling the rabbits pull …

Dangerous first litter at 18 months
HELP-we have a doe french lop rabbit 18 month old, we recently got another one a buck, they both got out at the same time and he may of got to her. She …

Newborn Kits - Indifferent Mother??
My bunny just gave birth to a litter of 4 kits 2 days ago, and she has absolutely no interest in them at all. She is quite young (4 or 5 months) so I think …

Under Weight Nursing Rabbit
About 2 weeks after I rescued two rabbits I was surprised with 5 little kits. The buck and doe had been kept in the same cage before I got them, and both …

Can the daddy be in the cage?
OK he's freaking out i don't have a spare cage so i used a laundry basket flipped over he looks fine but i don't know? Also i just realized my bunny's …

Not sure if my rabbit is pregnant?
I bred my two rabbits a couple of months ago, but it didn't take after several tries. The bunnies got along really well so I ended up leaving them together …

Rabbit digs holes and refills them
I have a doe and a buck, I wanna know if shez pregnant. Shez digging holes, deep holes in our park and then fills it again after some time. I don't know …

I have 7 does 3 bucks. 3 of my does (first time bred) gave birth. No nest made no fur pulled all kits died by morning. A 4th doe made a nest, pulled fur …

Doe attacking the buck
Hi so my doe recently had a failed birth to one kit. It's been 3 days now and I decided to put her husband in back to her cage because they both looked …

Holland Lop First Breeding
I am trying to breed my Holland lops. The female is 6 months old, and the male is 8 months old. I have put them together several times, but none have been …

Bunny gave birth to one kit that died
So my bunny finally gave birth 6 days after she started nesting. I didn't witness her giving birth until probably 30 minutes later. I checked to feed her …

I am trying to raise meat rabbits for the first time
and I have 26 rabbits. My females are giving birth outside the kindling boxes, it is cold so I have heat lamps on them but they are dying do you know what …

Is she having babies tomorow?
My rabbit is 29 days into the pregnancy and is due tomorrow but we still don't know if its false like before she has done everything but I'll be at school …

I have a rabbit that is due in about 10 days. she has been sat in the same place all day (where she goes the toilet) and she has her eyes closed (which …

Lisa Bunny
My male and female live in the same cage. Should I separate them if she is pregnant? * * Yep, we would. Cuz, if you don't, you'll have a new …

Rabbit nesting troubles?
My mini Lop rabbit will be a first time mom this Saturday. She is huge and should have a large litter. I put the nest box in today, day 28, and came out …

My four month old bunny died suddenly
Two days ago, I got a small 4 month old bunny. He seemed great until today, when I found that he had died. I am so very upset and I have absolutely no …

Crossbred black mini lop X thrianta
Last night I had bred my black mini lop does with my friends thrianta buck. What kinds of Colours and rabbit types should I expect? Thanks(: *

My doe is tearing my buck's hair out
I have a doe I bought from a stock market. She is going on 7 months old. I have a white long haired lion head buck who is 9 months. The other day I noticed …

Lop eared rabbit - new mother
We were told we had 2 girls, went to cage during the week to find we had at least 7 babies. Removed the rabbit we now know is a boy and rushed out to buy …

Lionhead rabbit nesting at day 11
My lionhead is only 11 days bred and is scratching at her cage and carrying hay around attempting to nest. Is it too early to put her nest box in or since …

I can't tell if my rabbit is pregnant
I have a Holland Lop rabbit. She was bred a day prior to getting her. At day 22 she began nesting in a blanket in her cage and pulling out her fur. …

What Is With This Bunny?
I have a beautiful Blue Eyed White Lionhead doe that I breed about 34 days back for the first time but I left her in with the buck for about 3 days. I …

Getting rabbits into the breeding mood
I have two does and one buck that I'm trying to breed. One doe is a dwarf floppy ear and the other is a lion head. The buck is a lion head also. The dwarf …

Rabbit pregnant with two litters
I think my doe may be pregnant with two separate litters. How can I tell for sure and what should I do? Will she lose all the kits? Thank you. *

Nesting Troubles
Hello! I have 2 dutch rabbits, and my doe Little Foot is pregnant. Her and my buck are let into a cage that's bigger than their normal one. So I don't …

My female rabbit pregnant?
I have had Pebbles my girl rabbit for almost three months now and she was in with two males. About 2 weeks ago we noticed fur on the floor of their house …

I tried breeding my dwarf hotot female. She only bred once we tried again and she wouldn't but the first time they went until the buck passed out. …

What can I do now I did not count the days
My bunny has been nesting and pulling out her hair for 4 days now. How long can this go on before I can say she is having a false pregnancy. I did breed …

Cottontails refuse to breed
I have raised 6 Missouri cottontails. I got them when they were 6 weeks old. They are 8 months old now. I have 4 females and 2 males. I keep putting females …

Baby Bunny Nest
We have a litter of 5 baby bunnies that were born about 2 weeks ago. How long do we have to wait before we can clean out the cage and put all new bedding …

Help me pls.. : )
My rabbit gave birth just this morning. It is her first time to have bunny. 3 of them die and 1 left..I would like to ask if how many days after giving …

May be pregnant rabbit but not eating?
Hi, my rabbit is around 21-22 weeks old and has been away for two week (she came back on Sunday) due to me being away in Wales with army cadets. She stayed …

Strange looking rabbit babies?
I had a rabbit who recently passed away because she had gotten out of her outside cage and we are pretty sure the dogs got her in the night because we …

Is a shoe box okay for a rabbit nest box???
I want to know if a shoe box is okay to use as a nest box, or if it is too small??? Chances are the shoebox is both too small and too flimsy, …

Is my doe pregnant?
My brother's mixed rabbit has humped my mini lop bunny more than one time, but he never fell off of her with a grunt, because we would always get him off …

Can't get near my doe to check if she's pregnant
Hi - pretty sure my doe is pregnant as she grunts at me when I try and go anywhere near her but I wanted to get her out to double check today and she tried …

Pregnant rabbits crave meat?
I've heard that pregnant rabbits crave meat, and to keep them from eating their young a piece of bacon should be hung in their cage a few days before she …

Pregnant rabbit passing blood
Hi, I'm pretty sure my rabbit is pregnant and ready to give birth. She has a round hard tummy and is laying down all the time. I noticed gooey blood where …

My Rabbit is Making a Nest
My girl rabbit's making a nest, but there's no fur. When will she start to lose fur and have babies? Well, assuming she's pregnant, count …

Pregnant rabbit built her nest
Hi my rabbit is pregnant and built nest 3 days ago. When do you reckon they will be due? Hmmm, hard to say, 'thout knowing the exact date …

I thought I had 2 girl rabbits? But......
I got 2 bunnies around July 11th. They told me they were 8 wks (approx) old. the lady I got them from checked and told me my white one (Sonny) was a girl...ok. …

One of two does was a boy
Hi, I bought 2 bunnies and was told they were both girls. It was a couple of weeks when I noticed Daisy being strange, as she was so friendly, I took her …

Rabbit pregnant?
I have 4 rabbits, 2 females and 2 males. The older female is the younger female and younger males mother but the older male is unrelated. We have decided …

Babies moving in her Tummy
OK so I found this house bunny outside and brought her in. I've had her for weeks now. I don't know how far along her pregnancy but I can see babies rolling …

Rabbit may be pregnant but not eating
My rabbit mated yesterday and since then it looks like she has not touched any of her food, is this normal? I'm wondering as like me when I was pregnant …

Rabbit Breeding Behaviour
I have 2 Netherland Dwarf rabbits. I don't know if my female wants the male around. The male keeps humping on her back, and the female is crying. I don't …

I bred my does, three of them on the same day the 2nd of May. On the 20th I was surprised to see four kits laying on the cage floor. Three appear to be …

Bunny digging holes
We have bunnies in the back yard fenced in. I have been seeing one bunny dig a hole and within an hour she or he has filled it back in. Why??? We …

Pregnant Doe
My good producing doe always has her kits on the 34th to 35th day. She's had 5 litters and it's been the same every time. Interesting! Thanks for …

I am Worried About my Rabbit
Hello, I have a Mini-Rex Doe that is a day past due. She is moving around the hay in her nest box but not pulling fur. I am for sure there is kits in her …

Is this a pregnant rabbit clue
I just put the nest boxes in the cages of my two satin does. One of them started digging in the hay, and may have picked some up, but then she laid down …

Palpating a rabbit - what am I feeling?
Hi, I have a question. My rabbit is a dwarf rabbit. So I'm not sure it is pregnant or not. I tried to check its belly, I can feel something like a grape …

Holland lop is pregnant?
I have a Holland Lop brood doe that is two years old and a proven mom. I had my aunt palpate her stomach. She said there were little balls the size of …

My doe is more aggressive than my buck
My doe is bigger at 2kg than my buck 1.5kg. every time I try mating them, my doe always is the aggressor (I put my doe to buck's cage), she always running …

Mini Rex Rendezvous with Jackrabbits
I have two female mini rex rabbits. I just discovered they have been getting out at night and meeting up with jack rabbits. I have fixed the problem of …

Nest Box Question
My rabbit took all her straw out of her nesting box and built a cool nest in the corner of her huge cage. Is that okay or does that mean she will be …

Found Rabbit Now Building Nest
I rescued two rex rabbits and a giant british rabbit from the side of the road. I had them checked at the vets and it turned out 1 of the rex rabbits was …

Netherland dwarf pregnant?
I'm preparing to put my Netherland Dwarf doe, Billie's, nesting box in her cage tonight. I believe she is pregnant but I really was not sure what to feel …

Rabbit palpated by vet and 35 days post breeding
I have a Holland Lop that is not delivering. I am hopeful that she will deliver them since she is still eating, drinking, urinating and pooping. I know …

Proof rabbits can give birth late
My doe and buck mated in august. No babies. Middle of august, no babies. So we thought she had false pregnancy. No fur pulled. No nest ready. So we left …

My rabbit might be pregnant by her brother

I think my Mini Rex rabbit is pregnant!
My female Mini Rex rabbit just mated with a mini lop rabbit. I'm very worried that my rabbit won't make it through the pregnancy, should I worry about …

Does the rabbit nest need hay?
I use wood chips in our rabbit hutch. I just found four newborn rabbits in the inside of the hutch with some fur around them. I am wondering if I should …

Rabbit behavior is quite strange for me
I have have two does and a buck rabbit, they stay together. I don't know if my doe is pregnant but when this morning I let my bunnies out in the garden …

Mini lop first time birth
On the first of January my mini lop had seven babies and one dead one that was eaten half way. We didn't know that she was pregnant and there was a lot …

About a month ago, my mom said she had seen a wild bunny in my backyard checking out my domestic females. We occasionally let them out to play, so I'm …

Rabbitry Software?
I'm looking for software to track the lineage, pedigrees, expenses, sales etc... Also a way to figure out who I can breed with who to not have any inbreeding …

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Is my rabbit pregnant?
I have had my doe Mysti since she was 7 weeks old. She is all grown up and over a year old and so well behaved. She is house trained although she has a …

Not sure about pregnancy?
My doe Jasmine pulled out chunks of fur last night and has left it in the corner of her space (she lives in the cupboard under the stairs) and has been …

Is our doe too young?
We bought 2 does & a buck from a breeder that shows rabbits. These are good quality rabbits with papers & great imprinting. None of them are related, but …

Mom Ripped Fur from First Litter Bunnies Not rated yet
Rabbit had surprise 2nd litter 32 days after first litter. We noticed she pulled fur from the 32-day-old baby bunnies to make a nest for the 2nd litter. …

Early Fur-Pulling and Nest-Building Not rated yet
I've got a 2 year old doe that's never been bred. I recently about 10 weeks ago bought 2 8-week-old bucks and the doe was letting them mount it and now …

3 Litters in 3 Months Not rated yet
My little girl and I have 2 dwarf rabbits we love very much as pets. Male and female. I never intended to breed but I've become the proud owner of 11 bunnies …

I Think my Doe is Pregnant Again  Not rated yet
I came home to babies in a nest. I didn't know my doe was pregnant and did not breed her on purpose. A couple of days before she had the babies she was …

I'm New to this Whole Bunny Thing! Not rated yet
I was given a small bunny; not sure how old she is. She's pretty small but getting bigger every day. I've had her over a month though and she's doing very …

Early Doe Birth Not rated yet
My doe is 24 days pregnant, she will be 28 days on the 13th. This is her first pregnancy and she's 1 and half years old healthy with no problems. Yesterday …

2-month-old Holland Lops, Male and Female Not rated yet
Hi there! I will be getting a male and a female Holland lop from different breeders, both approximately two months old. Is it okay to keep their pens …

My rabbit is pregnant but she isn't making a nest Not rated yet
So on December 23, my rabbit gave birth to 4 babies. Unfortunately we thought that the buck was fixed and they were together. When we came outside we saw …

Can two female rabbits have kits together? Not rated yet
I have two does, or at least that is what the pet store AND vet told us, although one of my bunnies sprayed me and they have not been neutered. I have …

To Neuter? Not rated yet
My rabbit has unexpectedly given birth (we were told they were both boys). They're bonded and I don't want to keep them apart for longer than necessary. …

Rabbit is drooling and not eating and mean Not rated yet
My rabbit used to lick the crap out of me and now she runs from me. I just found another bunny I thought was a girl is actually a boy and the girl is mean. …

October Rabbit Breeding: Did the Doe Get Pregnant? Not rated yet
I bred my black buck (1yr or more) with my grey doe in July when she came of age (6 mo), She had a false pregnancy from what I can tell and I think the …

Adopted a new rabbit SURPRISE it's a GIRL!  Not rated yet
I have been the owner of a small breed Harlequin bun who has been amazing & is VERY playful, so I got him a friend Oreo!! Oreo was supposed to be a …

Surprising Rabbit Kindling News! Not rated yet
My doe gave birth on the 36th day, and we never even suspected that she was pregnant. You see, we bought two "girls" at a pet store. Now, we have three …

Possible accidental sibling breeding Not rated yet
I purchased 3 lionhead mix rabbits from a family breeder to raise for 4-H. The father wasn't much larger than their mom, but he was white with spots …

Surprise litter of kits and maybe more on the way :/ Not rated yet
3 weeks ago found a surprise litter of kits. I thought both rabbits were male but apparently not. Mum is doing great and babies are healthy and …

Day 14 and she already has a haystache Not rated yet
My doe was bred 14 days ago and I tried feeling her abdomen on day 11... I couldn't tell, so now I feel it today on day 14 and she feels firm, like …

Concerned about a Possible Rabbit Pregnancy Not rated yet
I have a French angora buck who is 1 year, a mini Rex cross who is about 6 months old also a buck and a mini Rex cross also 6 months who turns out to be …

First time mum, rabbit worries ! Not rated yet
So I mated my two harlequins 30 days ago and I'm beginning to stress XD The mating seemed successful and both did the right things but now everything's …

Girl Bunny is Accidentally a Boy Bunny Not rated yet
So when I came home with a "girl" rabbit from the Amish Auction, or so I thought, I put him in the hutch with my female thinking my Chocolate Dutch was …

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Mixed breed cottontail and pet rabbit? Not rated yet
I believe my dwarf lop ear may have bred with a wild rabbit. A day after she had been seen with the wild rabbit, she started frantically moving her bedding …

Pregnant Rabbit or False Pregnancy? (And a Polite Rant) Not rated yet
Hi, my rabbit is a year old the dad is only about 6 months or less. They did mate and I thought she was definitely pregnant. She made a beautiful nest …

HELP - Is my rabbit pregnant? Not rated yet
Hi, I have a small sized rabbit and the lady who gave her to me said she has some breed of dwarf in her. I have never had Rabbits before. I have built …

Worried about my rabbit and her possible pregnancy Not rated yet
Hi I have a 3 and a half year dwarf lop doe who was introduced to a male about 5 months ago. Yesterday however I noticed she had started nesting and was …

How to help with nest building? Not rated yet
I have a doe that is doing this "haystache" thing! Thanks so much for posting the picture I had never seen this behavior before and thought we just have …

Sister does living together, both pregnant Not rated yet
Well, we seem to have a surprise on our hands! Apparently while we were away all 3 of our rabbits, an Angora male & 2 mini-lop females, all got out together …

My buck is acting weird Not rated yet
I have a buck and doe in the same cage together, so one day I see the buck just pee the doe. At first he jumps and then he pees. Is this supposed to happen? …

My rabbit thumps constantly Not rated yet
My dwarf lop ear rabbit (Pandora) had her second litter of kits 4 weeks ago. Ever since Pandora has been thumping heaps. She wasn't like this with her …

Bunny Lover Not rated yet
My (apparently too young female) has had babies to her brother (also apparently too young)!!! I've had 1 litter before, and the babies all look fine. I …

Update Doe not taking her babies Not rated yet
Thank you for all the help this site provides. I asked a question about 9 months ago about my doe not caring for her litter and got some very good …

Uncertain pregnancy? Building a nest far too soon?  Not rated yet
I have two does and the buck accidentally got out with them. A week later my doe began building a nest from fur n hay. So I removed the other doe. Then …

Doe bit kit during birth now has hard spot Not rated yet
Our fuzzy lop had kits a week ago, we noticed when they were born she had accidentally bitten on the kit behind the neck when trying to pull the rest of …

HELP!!! 31st day. NO KITS Not rated yet
My (supposedly) pregnant doe ate all the hay in her nesting box. She would toss it around she and then eat, but she usually just eats it. I don't what …

My female rabbit Silk Not rated yet
Today shockingly I saw Silk carrying some bedding of hers in her mouth as I was going to feed her. So I cleaned her out and watched her. I cut out some …

Nursing Doe acting strange Not rated yet
My kits are a week old. My doe has been energetic up until yesterday. She seemed ravenous. Munching on everything but now she seems wiped out and cranky. …

NO BABIES YET Not rated yet
My boy and girl rabbit have shared a cage for a couple of months. No babies yet? Is this because they share a cage? Should I separate? Help. I want to …

Lifting? Not rated yet
We bred our Havana two weeks ago. She was acting differently but now when you pet her she lifts. Do you think she did not take when we bred her? Thank …

How to pad a rabbit nest box? Not rated yet
My doe is 29 days prego and has formed a nest, but hasn't pulled any fur yet. This is her first litter, and I'm concerned she won't pull any. I was wondering …

Mini Lop Pregnancy  Not rated yet
I have bred my Mini Lop doe for the first time and she is now 36 days pregnant and I can feel kits in the tummy but she hasn't started making a nest yet. …

Cheryl Bridgewater at Bunyip Central! Not rated yet
Hi there, I have 8 free range bunnies which have the run of the garden 24/7 with the shed converted into their home. They have their litter tray, food, …

Rex rabbit is preggas Not rated yet
I bred my albino Rex rabbit 'Jade' on Wednesday the 13th of June 2012. I haven't bred rabbits before, only once before as my wild/rex rabbit gave birth …

My 2 Cute Li'l Rabbits Not rated yet
Hi! I'm Nelson Miles from Philippines. I have 2 cute rabbits named Salt and Pepper (I named them based on their colors). Pepper was a doe and Salt was …

Bunny Mating!!! Not rated yet
Dear Bunny Assistence People, I really want baby bunnies and I was wondering if there are any chances my bunny may be pregnant. I have been observing …

What is my bunny up to? Not rated yet
We got a pet rabbit back in January. She is litter box trained so she runs around in our room. I recently noticed on the corner under my bed she had gathered …

False Pregnancy Not rated yet
I have an unspayed rabbit that I got five or six months ago (I'm not sure how old she is), and even though she's had absolutely no opportunity to become …

Litter Died Not rated yet
Hello, My Rabbit had a liter of 7 kits. However, due to the weather none of them survived. And she was a first time doe. My question is will her milk …

PLEASE HELP! Not rated yet
My doe kindled Saturday, 5 very healthy kits. She has been feeding them fine but this afternoon she has pushed all the sawdust in her cage up to the door …

Bred doe aggressive towards buck Not rated yet
Hello! Our Netherland Dwarf doe bred yesterday to the buck. The breeder suggested we put her back in his cage today just to make sure a mating happened. …

Aggressive doe won't have babies Not rated yet
I have a doe that is about 2 years old and boys that are around 6 months old. I tried letting them breed all the time and she has not yet had babies. I …

Help !! Not rated yet
Hi, My rabbit gave birth to 4 kits and they died after a very short time. This was her first litter. Now this is about 20 Days ago, today I saw …

My rabbit has syphilis Not rated yet
Hi, my rabbit has syphilis, that I'm sure of, as I have seen the pictures, and read the symptoms in your web as well as others. Could you please tell …

Rabbit building a nest in the wrong place Not rated yet
My pet rabbits accidentally mated on Dec. 15th. Now today I saw my female rabbit, (she's 22 days pregnant), frantically gathering hay and building her …

HELP! Not rated yet
2 days ago my bunny suddenly gave birth (I had no idea she was even pregnant!). She had 1 baby 2 days ago and had another yesterday. They both died:( I …

Why is my doe pulling fur? Not rated yet
The way you can be almost positive that your doe will be pregnant, from about the 24th day after breeding, is when she pulls fur from her belly and places …

Day 31? Not rated yet
I had bred my mini lop with a thrianta and she was due yesterday? I would say we had bred her at 5:30-6:00 on November 15. It is now the 17th of December …

Rescued Rabbit might be Pregnant Not rated yet
I recently took in a Netherland dwarf buck and a Dwarf/Rex doe. They had been kept in the same cage for over a month before I got them. I think the doe …

How do I know if my rabbit is pregnant? Not rated yet
I have 2 rabbits. At first I thought both of them were does. Last night I saw one of them pulled fur from the other's back and sex with each other. My …

Help preventing rabbit pregnancy Not rated yet
We a have a dwarf rabbit (girl) and we just got a black (male) rabbit. He's 11 months old. We're not trying to breed so how can we prevent it - we'd like …

My doe is pulling ALL of her neck fur out Not rated yet
Hi there, My (I think) pregnant Californian doe is pulling out ALL of her neck fur. Its starting to look really nasty. She's not pulling out any stomach …

Pregnant Doe Not rated yet
We just bought a doe and she is pregnant, but no one could tell us how far along or when she was bred, So now what do I need to do????? Thanks for a GREAT …

1st breeding Not rated yet
Hi there I've just bred my buck and doe lopped rabbits, would you know what kind of colours the kits could be, as I find they both have beautiful colours …

helppppp!!!!!!! Not rated yet
How do you take care of a wild rabbit that's pregnant??????? * * If it were me, I think I'd release it back into the wild and let it do it's …

Sassafrass! Not rated yet
I had 2 rabbits, Sassy and Sophie. Day before yesterday I went out and found 4 babies dead in the bottom of the cage. I was told both of them were girls, …

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Confused about my bunny Not rated yet
My bunny is pregnant for the second time now and I cant figure out who got her pregnant. I had two boys and one died. But now I don't know if she is pregnant …

Mother rabbit  Not rated yet
My rabbit just gave birth to 6 babies for the first time and they all died the buck is also dead and one of mom's rabbit eye is bigger than the other she …

I can't tell if my rabbit is pregnant - 2 Not rated yet
This was my first question I asked on 10/27/11 I have a Holland Lop rabbit. She was bred a day prior to getting her. At day 22 she began nesting in …

My Rabbits Pregnant But Wont Have Her Babies Not rated yet
Hi! My kids got a beautiful sweet pet New Zealand female. We didn't know she was pregnant until last Sunday when she was frantic to build a nest, and pull …

Taj Majal Bunny Nest Not rated yet
My Pepper bunny appears to be pregnant. Piglet, the buck was de-sexed today so hopefully this will be the last little accident. (I do not have the gift …

What to do when rabbit gave birth? Not rated yet
My rabbit gave birth to four babies. Only one is alive, why? There's only hay and bedding in the cage...does she need anything? * * Sorry …

I can't tell if my sister's bunny Amina is pregnant Not rated yet
She has been bunched up in the corner of her cage and all of a sudden she started scratching the bottom of the cage for no reason, she turned all the food …

My rabbit dug a hole and won't come out!  Not rated yet
What's wrong? She has been in the hole for the past 3 days! She has been with a male rabbit for at least 3 weeks! So I don't know if she is pregnant or …

Bunnies in colonies Not rated yet
If I have a bunch of girls in one pen and they all are pregnant and they have their babies in the same cage with others in it will they kill each other? …

My rabbit gave birth to 3 kits but I'm worried... Not rated yet
My rabbit just gave birth to 3 kits. One died but two are still alive. My rabbit won't get near the kits at all. I knew she was pregnant but I was waiting …

41 days our rabbit is still pregnant Not rated yet
She is huge. We think it is because she is a dwarf and the dad is a giant. She is pregnant for sure. She shows all signs and we can see them move. We don't …

Rabbit Isolation?? Not rated yet
My doe is expecting, she is with another female, does she need to be separated? Or can she kindle with the other doe in her hutch? Thanks! * *

My Little Surprise Not rated yet
Well just recently my doe a flemish giant started picking up straw and moving it around in her bed and I found some fur in there I am a bit scared if she …

Animal Lover Not rated yet
We rescued an abandoned sable point mini rex. The animal control personnel said it was a boy...yea! After further investigation he is really a SHE. …

My Rabbit Pulling Fur Not rated yet
My Rabbit has just turned one. She has had no contact with boy rabbits apart from when she was like 6 weeks old, and that was a wild boy rabbit. Since …

Pregnant by a larger male rabbit Not rated yet
We had two babies in a cage together thinking they were too young to breed. Now my doe is pregnant and the buck is larger than her. Will she be able …

I feel awful, but I had no idea Not rated yet
We had our rabbits in May this year from the same litter. At the time, we thought they were both girls, despite calling them Boris and Doris! They were …

Rabbit refuses buck Not rated yet
My doe won't let the buck anywhere near her, why is that? We tried to breed them before and thought she conceived because she started picking up hay in …

HELP: Did my rabbits breed? Not rated yet
We put my female mini lop in with my male a few days ago. He would mount her, get off, hop around and go back. However, the doe never stretched out or …

Baby Bunnies? Not rated yet
My female rabbit was put with my male rabbit only once, but it was for about half an hour. The female is normally very friendly but in her previous 2 litters …

Are pregnant rabbits aggressive? Not rated yet
I want to know if rabbits get aggressive and look huge when they are pregnant. Thanks for asking -- Whether or not a pregnant doe looks huge …

Weirdest part of my life Not rated yet
Hi my name is Emily My rabbit died and 5 months ago and a week later I got these 2 bunnies from the same litter, 'Tinker Bell' and 'Cinderella.' We got …

First Pregnant Rabbit Not rated yet
Our rabbit, if she is pregnant, should be having the kits anytime now, and I am worried that this being her first time giving birth, and she being somewhat …

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My lionhead rabbit just had 7 kits Not rated yet
She made her nest in her litter box, but it was clean and just full of hay and fur. Should I leave them in the nesting box or take them out and put them …

Is my rabbit pregnant or not? Not rated yet
Hi, I have a 7 month old girl rabbit and a 5 month old boy rabbit. We put them together to breed not knowing the age? All of the answers on the internet …

2 girl rabbits Not rated yet
I have got 2 girl rabbits and 1 has got all of these clues and is growling at me what do I do? It has started to build a nest and I wonder how many weeks …

Baby kits born over 3 days are dead Not rated yet
My rabbit had a baby Saturday morning around 11am. Sometime Saturday night/early Sunday morning she had another one. I found it dead and the one she …

My doe wants to breed more, is she pregnant? Not rated yet
Hi, I bred my rabbit 2 two days ago and she's not acting aggressive but when she saw the male outside of her cage she wanted to breed with him again. I …

Pregnant doe? Not rated yet
I have a doe, she's been my pet for at least a year now, and I've bred her to bucks many times. I started trying when she was one, and she's around two …

Rabbit Mom with Singleton Not rated yet
Hi, my rabbit has always had up to 7 babies at least. This time she has only had 1 - is this normal? Hi Leanne, a litter of one singleton does happen, …

Are pregnant does affectionate? Not rated yet
Just a few hours after breeding my doe Mist with my buck Storm, I put her in her fence to get a nibble of grass. But, when I went to put her back in her …

Taliaferro's rabbits  Not rated yet
Hi, I am Tammy and I was trying to find out just how long it takes for a rabbit to have her babies and just how to really tell if it took. I found what …

My rabbit is pregnant to her brother Not rated yet
This is her second time shes pregnant. The 1st time didn't go well at all. The 3 little ones died, but we didn't know who the dad was to them. Do you …

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How to Tell if Your Rabbit Is Pregnant or Not


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